301 North College Ave.

Aledo, IL 61231

Phone: 309-582-2169

​​​"We exist to

​connect people to

Jesus Christ!"

We offer three distinct worship services at three different times:

Sunday, 8 am,
Contemporary Worship

Featuring the “Connection” Praise Band, prayer, and proclamation of the Word.

Sunday, 9:15 am,
Rock and Worship

Featuring the “Forgiven” Praise Band, prayer, and proclamation of the Word.

Sunday, 10:30 am,
Traditional Worship

Featuring Katie Moran, keyboardist, prayer, and proclamation of the Word.

Holy Communion

Communion is open to all and is served on the first Sunday of each month.

Fifth Sunday Schedule
● 8 am, Folk-style worship.
● 9:15 am, All-Church Blended Worship.
● 10:30 am, Fellowship Meal.
Sunday, 5:10 pm
WRMJ Radio 102.3 FM

Join us every Sunday as we rebroadcast our 8 am service.

Traveling? Download the WRMJ app and listen to our service wherever you may be.

sunday worship opportunities