301 North College Ave.

Aledo, IL 61231

Phone: 309-582-2169

​​​"We exist to

​connect people to

Jesus Christ!"

Our Caring Hearts ministry was created so we can further meet those needs that haven’t been met in any of the other ministries we currently offer at our active church.  This program was launched in August 2012 with the sole purpose of trying to help meet people's physical and spiritual needs. Groups have been formed to carry out that ministry in a variety of ways.

  • Food Ministry- The Caring Hearts food ministry prepares meals, enhanced by the generous donations of other AUMC ministries, and has been able to offer a continuous supply of food to those who need it. The ministry is open to anyone who needs a meal or anyone who wants to take a meal to someone in need.
  • The Fellowship Cafe-Sunday morning  sees a marvelous time of food and fellowship! The Fellowship Cafe opens at 7:30AM and remains open until noon every Sunday. Fruit, bagels, coffee cakes, donuts, juice, cheese and crackers and a variety of other foods, along with regular coffee and "the coffee of the week" are available for all.
  • Health and Safety Team- This group focuses on what we can do to continue to make AUMC a safe place to be! Clearly marked fire extinguishers and exits, as well as an Automatic Electric Defibrillator, enhanced first aid kits and CPR training, are just a few of the ways they are trying to make this a safe environment!
  • Hospitality Greeters-We are a friendly, welcoming church and our Hospitality Greeters are on the front line! They are in place for all church services.
  • Bakery Team- Each Saturday, we receive a MASSIVE delivery of breads, rolls, buns, cakes, etc. from a local grocery chain. The food that we need for upcoming ministries is set aside and the rest of the order is put out for anyone in the congregation to take home and share with others. "Leftovers" are then delivered to Vashti Village and Mercer County Health Department for further community use. 
  • Loving Hearts- Casseroles, sandwiches, and food packs are prepared for the local Health Department who distributes them through the Mental Health Action Program to those with food insecurities. Food is prepared in the church certified kitchen 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month.